Gigi Stetler is not only a full-time mom, author, life coach & CEO, she also finds time to donate and be deeply involved in local and national community causes.
After Hurricane Andrew destroyed many homes and displaced numerous families, Gigi used her position as CEO of RV Sales of Broward to donate trailers for emergency use. In 2005-2006, after Katrina hit hard, Gigi was there with emergency trailers to help the displaced citizens in need.
While helping in natural disasters, Gigi also finds time to help local and national causes as well. The "Ride for Awareness" for Mental Illness were given a complete RV to showcase their brand around the country, courtesy of RV Sales of Broward and CEO Gigi Stetler.
Tel: (954) 514 - 7860
Fax: (954) 530-5404